The FCI and the
entered into a partnership
contract on
This contract confers on KSuBiH the status of FCI
contract partner. From
now on, KSuBiH is the only FCI contract partner exi
sting in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Consequently, the FCI members and contract partners
are asked to pay particular attention to the
following :
1. Judges
As long as the contract keeps running (4 years), on
ly 3 (three) nominated judges are allowed to
award the CACIB at international dog shows licensed
by the FCI outside Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Please find hereunder the names of the 3 judges tog
ether with the breeds they are allowed to
The Bosnian-Herzegovinian judges for working (utili
ty and hunting) tests can officiate at the FCI test
together with an official judge from an FCI member.
Nevertheless, the latter is the only person
entitled to award working certificates.
2. Pedigrees and registration
Please find herewith the export pedigree issued by
the contract partner
KSuBiH. It must be clear to
all the FCI members and contract partners that only
dogs holding this export pedigree are allowed to
take part in CACIB shows and CACIT trials. This als
o applies to FCI international Agility, Obedience,
Races and Coursing competitions. In addition, Bosni
an-Herzegovinian dogs can be registered with
the studbook of an FCI member or contract partner o
nly if they hold this type of pedigree. For all
these purposes, as well as for breeding purposes, n
o other Bosnian-Herzegovinian pedigree can be
admitted. Official FCI awards (CACIB, CACIT, CACIOB
,...) and titles (World Winner, European
Winner,...) will be given, i.e. recognized by the F
CI, only to the Bosnian-Herzegovinian dogs holding
the attached official Bosnian-Herzegovinian export
The FCI members, contract partners and FCI events o
rganisers must make sure that any pedigree
they will be presented is exactly similar to the on
e attached. Should any doubt arise, please get in
touch with the FCI Secretariat
KSuBiH judges licensed to award CACIB outside Bosni
Juges de la
KSuBiH autorisés à octroyer le CACIB en dehors de B
KSuBiH-Richter, die für die Vergabe des CACIB außer
halb Bosnien-Herzegowina anerkannt werden
Jueces de la KSuBiH que tienen licencia para conced
er el CACIB fuera de Bosnia-Herzegovina
Mr Stjepan Kras
(language: French)
Tornjak (355) Istarski Ostrodlaki Gonič (152)
Schnauzer (182) Srpski Gonič (150)
American Staffordshire Terrier (286) Srpski Tr
obojni Gonič (229)
Fox Terrier Smooth (12) English Pointer (1)
Fox Terrier Wired (169) English Setter (2)
Deutscher Jadgterrier (103) Deutsch Drahthaar (98)
Airedale Terrier (7) Deutsch Kurzhaar (119)
Siberian Husky (270) Weimaraner (99)
Posavski Gonič (154) Rövidszörü Magyar Vizsla (57)
Istarski Kratkodlaki Gonič (151) Epagneul Breton (9
Mr Refet Hadžić
(language: English)
Australian Shepherd (342) Kavkazskaïa Ovtcharka (32
Deutscher Schäferhund (166) Schnauzer (182)
Chien de Berger Belge (15) Tornjak (355)
Rottweiler (147) American Staffordshire Terrier (28
Dobermann (143) Yorkshire Terrier (86)
Dogo Argentino (292) Dachshund (148)
Deutscher Boxer (144) Siberian Husky (270)
Cane Corso Italiano (343) Rhodesian Ridgeback (146)
Deutsche Dogge (235) Labrador Retriever (122)
Sredneasiatskaya Ovtcharka (335) Golden Retriever (
Mr Vladimir Kovaćević
(language: English)
Deutscher Jagdterrier (103) Bosanski Ostrodlaki Gon
ič-Barak (155)
Bull Terrier (11) Dalmatinski pas (153)
Staffordshire Bull Terrier (76) Rhodesian Ridgebac
k (146)
American Staffordshire Terrier (286) Slovenskў Kop
ov (244)
Srpski Gonič (150) Alpenländische Dachsbracke (254)
Srpski Trobojni Gonič (229) Deutsch Kurzhaar (119)
Crnogorski Planinski Gonič (279) Deutsch Drahthaar
Posavski Gonič (154) Epagneul Breton (95)
Istarski Kratkodlaki Gonič (151) Labrador Retriever
Istarski Ostrodlaki Gonič (152) Golden Retriever (
The Executive Director
Y. De Clercq