Place Albert 1er, 13, B - 6530 Thuin (Belgique) Tél: ++ – Fax: ++, internet: http://fci.be
Circular 12/2013 14/03/2013
Minutes of the FCI General Committee
Bucharest, 8-9 October 2012
Attendees: Mr H.Müller (CH) President
Mr R.de Santiago Vice-President
Mr S.Stefik (SK) Treasurer
Mr T.Jakkel (HU)
Mr K.Järvinen (FIN)
Mr G.Jipping (NL)
Mr J.Hindse (DK) Delegate of the European Section
Mr M.A.Martinez (RA) Delegate of the Americas and Caribbean Section
Mr T.Nagamura (J) Delegate of the Asian and Pacific Section
Mr Y.De Clercq (B) Executive Director
Mr Y.Shimazu (J) Interpreter
1. Opening
Mr Müller opens the meeting at 10.00 am and welcomes all the members in Bucharest and to the
meeting. He adds that due to the meeting of the FCI European Section, J.Hindse, G.Jipping and T.Jakkel
will join a bit later. The points with * are those agreed to be considered without them being present.
2. Minutes of the meeting in Vienna, April 2012: approval
The minutes are adopted without any comment. The General Committee thanks Y.De Clercq
Follow-up of the meeting in Vienna
Check-list for world dog shows and general assemblies: S.Stefik’s proposal is found very good. Some
minor additions or amendments are approved. S.Stefik will send a final version to the FCI Office and the
members will have the possibility to use it for the next General Assembly in 2013.
Branding and pricing*: R.de Santiago’s proposal is accepted. The FCI will now have a list of banners and
corresponding prices in case a company wants visibility via the FCI website. It’s made clear that
breeders’ advertising is not accepted on the FCI website. Ms Luna Duran will draw a list of potential
companies to contact. FCI General Committee, Bucharest, October 2012 Page 2
Circular about CAC given in foreign countries: it is agreed that G.Jipping and J.Hindse will prepare a
proposal that will then be forwarded to the FCI General Assembly.
KC and FCI: judges invitations: T.Jakkel informs that the KC has indicated that a proposal would be sent
shortly. It will then be examined by H.Kliebensetein, C.Molinari, J.Wauben in order to hopefully make a
final recommendation.
WUSV-FCI: H.Müller and J.Hindse report on two meetings held with the WUSV (one of them being
attended by the VDH too). A proposal for amendments in the former contract, made by the VDH, is
studied and found good. Some additions are approved and it is agreed that H.Müller and J.Hindse have a
last meeting with the parties involved to present this final project.
FCI legal commission*: M.A.Martinez’s proposal is found very good. Y.De Clercq will insert it into the
FCI Statutes and it will be forwarded to the FCI General Assembly.
Regarding the extension of the FCI Offices*, Y.De Clercq informs the General Committee that the
request for the building permit has been signed and handed over to the City Hall.
3. Minutes of the commissions meetings: comments*
Agility, Lens,October 2011: no comment
Agility, Prague, February 2012: no comment
Rescue Dogs, Zatec, February 2012: it is stated that this is an FCI commission and not IRO, which is very
often referred to. Some questions related to the judges will be put to the president of the commission,
Continental Pointers, Zadar, February 2012: no comment
British Pointers, Nis, March 2012: the word “professional” handlers does not sound very appropriate.
“Handlers” would be wiser.
Utility Dogs, Zalaegerszeg, March 2012: no comment
Earth Dogs, Vienna, February 2012: S.Stefik indicates that he keeps thinking that, considering the
diversity of “hunting cultures”, the CACIT should be awarded at trials run according to national rules
(which can be more demanding) in some countries.
Breeding, Stockholm, June 2012: no comment
Sledge Dogs, Stockholm, June 2012: no comment
Standards, Stockholm, June 2012: no comment FCI General Committee, Bucharest, October 2012 Page 3
4. Proposals of the commissions
Specifications for the organization of the FCI World Championships: approved
Guidelines for Agility Judges: approved.
Breeders should be obliged to apply for registration of all purebred litters: approved. The FCI breeding
rules will be amended accordingly.
The use of FCI approved kennel names: approved. The proposal of amendment of the FCI Standing
Orders will be put on the agenda of the next General Assembly.
Cancellation of a limited registration: this is a matter between the buyer and the US breeder. It has to be
settled between them. The proposal “A limited registration can only be revoked by the national kennel
club that has made the original limited registration” is approved but it is stated that it refers to FCI
members only.
Approval in breed standards of coat, colours and anatomical features which are genetically impossible to
avoid in order to breed what is accepted in the breed standard: the proposal is referred to the FCI
scientific commission and the breeding commission is asked to draw a complete list of the breeds
Estonian Hound* : before approving the breed standard, the General Committee waits for the official
application for recognition of the breed as well as all the other conditions (scientific, DVD) to be fulfilled.
Great Dane* : the figures on the drawing should be deleted. The new standard is then accepted.
Perro sin Pelo del Peru*: questions were put to the KC of Peru. The General Committee would like to
have the answer (size).
Xoloitzcuintle*: a question about a sentence in the text will be put to the KC of Mexico.
English Cocker Spaniel, Airedale Terrier*, Collie Rough*, Deerhound: approved.
Saint-Bernard, Small Swiss Hound*: returned to the country of origin (see remarks made by the
standards commission), via the FCI standards commission. The name of the new variety within the Small
Swiss Hound is similar to the generic name of the breed. FCI General Committee, Bucharest, October 2012 Page 4
Australian Cattle Dog, Kelpie, Australian Silky Terrier, Australian Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier: approved
Bracco Italiano: back to the country of origin via the FCI standards commission
G.Jipping emphasizes the importance of having a clear and coherent line to follow when it comes to
creating more varieties in a breed, to awarding different CACIB according to the varieties (hair, size or
colour), to caring about small gene pools, etc.
5. Minutes of the meeting of the FCI Executive Committee, Winterthur, March 2012
Y.De Clercq reports on the meeting. R.de Santiago comments the new AKC ruling regarding judges
having to pass an exam for a couple of breeds for the amount of 25 $ each. If they do not pass those
exams, they are not allowed anymore to judge the groups to which those breeds are allocated. The AKC
still discusses the possibility to exempt FCI judges from that rule.
6. Partnership applications
Armenia: J.Hindse will visit the offices of that kennel club and report to the General Committee on the
opportunity to have a contract with that kennel club.
Iran: T.Nagamura reports that another club exists there and he recommends to wait for the two clubs to
unite. In addition, due to the situation in that country, he does not feel safe to travel to Iran.
7. Report on the Workshop for Canine Health (Stockholm)
The General Committee takes note of the report and thanks R.Sporre-Willes. She’ll be asked to make a
summary of that report for the FCI newsletter and Y.De Clercq will again ask for a report on the complete
8. Miscellaneous and Correspondence
Letter of the Slovak Kennel Club (SKJ) : following long discussions, the FCI General Committee finally
agrees with the publication of the following Circular :
“On the occasion of its meeting in Bucharest on October 8, 2012, the FCI General Committee has decided
to cancel the FCI Circular 53/2012 dated September 17, 2012, making therefore the Circular 51/2012,
dated 31/8/2012, valid, in the light of new information communicated to them. Consequently, Mr Stefan
Stefik, is not allowed to judge any FCI affiliated member’s event. This decision applies from the date of
publication of the present Circular. In addition, Mr Stefan Stefik has accepted to resign from his function
of FCI Treasurer, with immediate effect”.
That last sentence regarding the resignation is not accepted by S.Stefik. FCI General Committee, Bucharest, October 2012 Page 5
At 6.00 pm, Mr Müller closes the meeting.
The meeting resumes on the following day, 9.00 am, S.Stefik arrives at 9.30 am (as he was not informed
about the starting time)
Due to the situation that arose the day before, the General Committee has to elect a new Treasurer who
will operate until the next General Assembly in 2013.
Upon proposal of K.Järvinen, G.Jipping is elected unanimously (S.Stefik was not yet present) FCI
The point “miscellaneous and correspondence” resumes
Resignation letter of Bernard Denis: the General Committee takes note of B.Denis’ letter and accept his
resignation. The Committee wants to underline the quantity and quality of the work made by B.Denis all
over these years and thank him very much for all those achievements.
The candidate suggested by the French Kennel Club, SCC, Prof.Leroy, is accepted on basis of a very
impressive CV handed over to the Committee and strong recommendations of the SCC.
Situation of CKU (China) and AKC : the AKC has entered into a cooperation relationship with a Chinese
club, which is not the FCI affiliated club, CKU. The Executive Committee is asked to discuss with AKC
about that point. It is pointed out that pedigrees issued by this Chinese club are accepted by AKC and
can, after being validated by AKC, “return” into the FCI circuit.
Situation of a Cypriot judge: the information regarding the education taken by the judge in question are
contradictive. Y.De Clercq is asked to investigate further with all the parties involved.
Report on the 2012 FCI Asian and Pacific section show (Manila, Philippines): the General Committee
takes note and thanks Mr P.John for this very good report. It will be sent to the show and show judges
commissions and to the organisers of the event in question as well as to the organisers of the future
section shows.
Report on the 2012 FCI World Dog Show (Salzburg, Austria): the General Committee takes note and
thanks Mr B.Meyer for this very good report. It will be sent to the show and show judges commissions
and to the organisers of the event in question as well as to the organisers of the future world dog shows.
G.Jipping suggests to send to the FCI Office the Dutch check-list for shows which could be used as a
standard format for the observer’s reports on the section and world dog shows. The Committee
approves. B.Meyer’s comments will be sought for.
Observer for the 2012 FCI Americas and Caribbean section show in San Juan (Puerto Rico): the section
proposes Mr Juan Luis Martinez (MEX). Approval FCI General Committee, Bucharest, October 2012 Page 6
Observer for the 2013 FCI Asia and the Pacific section show in Ootacamund (India): the section
proposes Soentono (Indonesia). Approval
Observer for the 2016 FCI European Section show in Brussels (Belgium): the section proposes Mr
G.Jipping (NL). Approval.
FCI Judges Directory: the General Committee accepts to share the costs with the European Section
(approximately 10.000 € each) to adjust the FCI Judges Directory so that all FCI countries will be able to
list their judges in it and add whether or not their own approval is necessary for their judges to officiate
abroad. Once completed, this directory will “belong” to the FCI.
Letter of the Société Canine de Monaco: the club of Monaco requests an exception for the composition
of their national representative teams at the different FCI World or Section Championships. The request
is turned down.
Bulgarian Republican Federation of Cynology (BRFC) and KC of Bosnia: report by J.Hindse
BRFC: BRFC representatives and the people who had complained against the club management have
been summoned to attend a meeting at the FCI Office. J.Hindse indicates that the clear statements from
BRFC were found acceptable and it is recommended to consider the case as settled. Approval of the
General Committee.
Bosnian Kennel Club: following the meeting with BRFC, the representatives from Bosnia also met, on the
day after, with J.Hindse and Y.De Clercq at the FCI Office. Following the clear presentation of the
situation by the Bosnian delegates, J.Hindse recommends to take the newly founded Bosnian KC as
contract partner. The modalities of the contract regarding judges (breeds) and the number of shows will
be considered. Contact will be established with the Bosnian kennel club.
Olympic Games and Agility: Y.De Clercq asks the General Committee if they consider it worth
investigating further with the Olympic Committee about the possibility of having Agility recognized as an
official Olympic discipline. Approval of the General Committee. However, the FCI Office will first turn to
the Austrian Kennel Club (OKV) that apparently had the same idea.
FCI Stand: it is stated that in order to be more attractive, the stand should
- Sell Cobbies, Judging Manuals and Centenary Books
- Offer pins, badges, pens
- Have a meeting place for 2-3 people at the backside.
- Coffee, water and tea offered at a small table FCI General Committee, Bucharest, October 2012 Page 7
- Leaflets about other shows and clubs
- Info about the FCI
- be attached to the Eukanuba stand
- FCI-customized clothes
9. FCI International Dog Health, Well-Being and Welfare Initiative (Back to the Standards):
report by B.Bonnett
Mrs B.Bonnett is then let into the room and presents the project drawn up by the working group “Back
to the Standards” chaired by K.Järvinen. The project is found very good and highly necessary. It is
however very important and implies high expenses, particularly the budget to make a proper
presentation to the FCI. The General Committee asks for detailed explanations regarding this budget
(50.000 €). They will be provided for by email and the Committee members will therefore agree or not.
If they agree, the complete project will be presented at the FCI General Assembly.
At 1.00 pm, Mr Müller thanks all the members and wishes them a nice and safe return home.
H. Müller Y. De Clercq
President Executive Director
Outstanding points
Page 4, point 5: R.de Santiago
Page 4, point 6, Armenia: J.Hindse
Page 5, situation of a Cypriot judge: Y.De Clercq
Page 6, Bosnian Kennel Club: J.Hindse and Y.De Clercq
Page 6: Agility and Olympic Games: Y. De Clercq