Circular / Circulaire / Zirkular / Circular : 38/2012
On the occasion of its meeting in Vienna, April 2012, the FCI General Committee approved
1) changes in the requirements for the title of “Champion International de Course”
(International Race Champion - C.I.C.) as well as
2) the creation of a new cumulative title of “Champion International de Beauté et
Performance” (International Beauty and Performance Champion – C.I.B.P.)
We draw your attention to the fact that only the sighthounds from Group 10 of the FCI Breeds
Nomenclature are eligible for these two titles as from 01/07/2012.
To be eligible for the title of International Race Champion (C.I.C.), the sighthounds must fulfil the
following conditions:
have been awarded at least
1) three (3) “Certificats d’Aptitude au Championnat International de Lévriers” (CACIL) or
2) two (2) CACIL and two (2) Reserve CACIL
in two different countries (by two national canine organizations - NCO) over a period of at
least one year and one day.
have received the grading "very good" in an adult class (Open, Intermediary, Working,
Champion class – not Veteran class) at a FCI International CACIB Show at the minimum age
of 15 months.
To be eligible for the title of International Beauty and Performance Champion (C.I.B.P.), the
sighthounds must fulfil the following conditions:
have been awarded at least
1) three (3) CACIBs or
2) two (2) CACIBs and two (2) Reserve CACIBs in at least two different countries (from
2 different NCO) under two different judges over a period of one year and one day.
have taken part in at least three (3) CACIL events (either races or coursing)
have been awarded at least one (1) CACIL or two (2) Reserve CACIL.
Please note that all applications for these titles must be sent to the FCI Office in writing through the
national canine organisation.
We request all FCI members and contract partners to use exclusively the following abbreviations on
whatever documents they issue :
C.I.C. (Champion International de Course)
C.I.B.P. (Champion International de Beauté et Performance)
The Executive Director
Le Directeur Exécutif
Der Exekutiv Direktor
El Director Ejecutivo
Y. De Clercq