Place Albert 1er, 13, B - 6530 Thuin (Belgique) Tél: ++ – Fax: ++, internet: http://fci.be
Circular 29/2012 23/04/2012
Minutes of the FCI General Committee
Brussels, 9-10 November 2011
Attendees: Mr H.Müller (CH) President
Mr R.de Santiago Vice-President
Mr S.Stefik (SK) Treasurer
Mr T.Jakkel (HU)
Mr K.Järvinen (FIN)
Mr G.Jipping (NL)
Mr J.Hindse (DK) Delegate of the European Section
Mr M.A.Martinez (RA) Delegate of the Americas and Caribbean Section
Mr T.Nagamura (J) Delegate of the Asian and Pacific Section
Mr Y.De Clercq (B), Executive Director
Mr Y.Shimazu (J), Interpreter
1. Opening
At 9.00 am, H.Müller opens the meeting and welcomes all the members. He reminds that different
events, in the frame of the 100 years celebrations, will be held and he adds that he’ll be happy to have
the Committee members attending these unique events.
2. Minutes of the meeting in Paris, July 2011 : approval
The minutes are approved without any comments.
3. Minutes of the commissions meetings : comments
Utility, Rhein, Sept.2011
Point 5: there should not be any difference in the way the helpers hold their arms and sticks. The sleeves
should all be similar so that the dogs can work in equal conditions.
Herding Dogs, Stockholm, Jun 2011
No comment
FCI General Committee, Brussels, 9-10 November 2011 Page 2
British Pointers, Nis, Mar 2011
Mr De Clercq informs about Mr Goeldlin’s retirement. The whole Board thanks Mr Goeldlin for all these
years as president of the commission.
Point 8 : it is pointed out that Argentina is the only country in the area conducting international fieldtrials
on account of hunting bans in the region.
Sledge, Firenze, Apr 2011
No comment
Breeding, Amsterdam, May 2011
It is commented that the AKC has accepted the Coton de Tulear on their list of regular breeds.
Point 16, page 9, ban on breeding of specific breeds : it is agreed that the FCI should have an official
position posted on their website and made available to the public regarding “unhealthy breeds
(breeding)”. It is important to react in an appropriate manner against all the attacks by the
governments. A long discussion takes place about the different approaches to this problem (judges
education, strict judging, more specific breeding ban, better and more complete information provided by
the different countries of origin of the breeds involved). A motto is approved, that can, however, be
reworded if necessary: “BACK TO THE STANDARDS” as it is accepted that the essential point is how the
breeders/judges understand the standards. It is finally resolved to create a working group, which will
replace the “ad hoc committee”, in charge of taking care of this situation. Their input will avoid, to the
greatest possible extent, breed-specific references. This group will include the presidents of the FCI
standards commission, the FCI scientific commission, the FCI breeding commission (or any person
deemed appropriate), Mr Jipping and Mr Järvinen. Mr Järvinen will be the chairman. Results (General
Statement) expected by November 2012.
4. Proposals of the commissions
Breeding Commission
- National studbook initials on pedigrees: an additional wording should be included to the Standing
Orders Article 8.3: “On the original pedigrees, the studbook registration number should follow the
initials of the studbook in which the dog is registered and the registration numbers and the initials
should be provided for at least three generations.”
The proposal is accepted. It will be on the agenda of the next FCI General Assembly in 2013.
- The Commission further proposes: FCI web pages should include not only the registration initials
that are used now by all the FCI members and contract partners, but also – if this has been the case
– the old initials that have been used earlier and maybe are still seen in some pedigrees.
These information are already provided for by Circular. The “new” FCI website will include a section
dedicated to that.
- Registration of all purebred litters: the following should be added to Art. 18 of the Breeding
Regulations: breeders must apply for the registration of every litter and all the puppies within the
same litter have to be registered at the same time.
FCI General Committee, Brussels, 9-10 November 2011 Page 3
The FCI Breeding Regulations already read as follows: All litters are to be fully registered; this includes all
puppies reared to the date of application for registration. The following addition is however adopted: All
litters are to be fully registered (all puppies at the same time); this includes all puppies reared to the
date of application for registration.
- The use of FCI approved kennel names: FCI approved kennel names should only be used on litters
registered in the stud book of the national kennel clubs. This point should be stated in the
agreement signed by the breeder applying for the FCI Kennel Name.
Further to a long discussion, the following is agreed: the national kennel clubs can add the kennel name
on the pedigrees if the breed in question is recognised by the national kennel club issuing the pedigree
and/or by the FCI. In case the breed is NOT recognised by the FCI, the following has to be added “Breed
not recognised by the FCI” (according to the FCI Standing Orders, Art.8).
- Breed typical movements and conformation, according to the breed standard
The Breeding Commission, Standards Commission and the Judges Commission should work on this
subject together. Judges education is of outmost importance. The Standards Commission could
provide videos of typical movements and actions of several breeds where there are differences in
breed type. This should be proposed to the Standards Commission.
Y.De Clercq reminds about a similar project, led by Mrs Sporre-Willes (compendium of breed standards).
- Circumvention of national breeding regulations
The FCI will AGAIN turn to the countries concerned to get more information.
- FCI should take immediately action to prevent that breeds are banned for breeding
The FCI Scientific Commission has to take action on this matter and our responsible member of the
General Committee, Mr Kari Järvinen, should take the subject urgently to the General Committee.
The fear is that some of these breeds be forbidden in some FCI countries and will not be issued stud
book registrations and cannot be shown in these countries anymore. The Commission suggests that
the FCI would gather an international expert group to make some urgent actions. The Kennel Club
(UK) who is working on the health issues on these breeds should also be contacted and cooperation
should be established.
The discussions, earlier this morning, are related to that situation. This point will be one of the main
tasks of the newly created working group.
- False export pedigrees : if the registration information is not available on Internet, the FCI
national kennel club has to inform by letter the “new” FCI kennel club that the puppy that is going
to be exported has an official stud book and approved pedigree issued by them.
This proposal is regarded too heavy as regards to administration. If someone buys a dog abroad, he has
to make sure to have an export pedigree for this dog. This question however will be reconsidered.
FCI General Committee, Brussels, 9-10 November 2011 Page 4
- Double kennel names: the following sentence should be added to the Standing Orders, Art. 9.4
(after “Dogs cannot bear a kennel name other than that of their breeder”): However, if the breeder
of the litter has a kennel name and the stud dog owner wants a puppy from the litter registered on
his/her name, the kennel name of the stud dog owner can be part of the registered name of this
The proposal is turned down.
Commission for Utility Dogs
Clearance for FCI judges to officiate at American Working Dogs Federation (AWDF) events
Since the AWDF has been attending the commission’s meetings for a couple of years, taking part in the
world championships, there is no reason to oppose this request. The FCI judges are therefore allowed to
judge at AWDF events provided that they have the approval of their national canine organisation.
Approval of the Nordic Style Regulations
The FCI General Committee approves those regulations. The Nordic test will be valid for entering dogs in
the working class and for gaining the title of CIB and CIT. It can be “used” by all the FCI members and
partners. All results obtained in this trial AFTER the date of approval (9th November 2011) will be
One observation is however made: “temperament test” : the following sentence “The judge is not
allowed to touch the dog” is changed into “The judge is allowed to touch the dog”.
Commission for Sledge Dogs
FCI Guidelines for Sledge Dogs Working Judges
The guidelines are approved with however minor changes : the preamble will not be published and page
4, point 3,”the FCI NO can forward” and not “the FCI NO has to forward”.
Commission for Herding Dogs
Creation of a new award: CACITr (Troupeaux-Herding)
The proposal is approved.
From January 1st, 2012, at the FCI International Sheepdog Trials, the CACITr will be awarded to the
following breeds although they are not “working breeds” by the FCI nomenclature:
Old English Sheepdog (Bobtail) (16, g1), Cane da Pastore Bergamasco (19, g1), Welsh Corgi Cardigan (38,
g1), Welsh Corgi Pembroke (39, g1), Komondor (53, g1), Kuvaz (54, g1), Puli (55, g1), Pumi (56, g1),
Schipperke (83,g1), Gos d’Atura Catalá (87,g1), Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) (88,g1), Cão da Serra de
Aires (93,g1), Slovenský Čuvač (142, g1), Collie Rough (156, g1), Cane da Pastore Maremmano -Abruzzese
(201, g1), Hollandse Herdershond (223, g1), Mudi (238, g1), Polski Owczarek Nizinny (251,g1), Polski
Owczarek Podhalanski (252, g1), Bearded Collie (271, g1), Australian Cattle Dog (287, g1), Collie smooth
(296, g1), Nederlandse Schapendoes (313, g1), Ca de Bestiar (321, g1), Ioujnorousskaïa Ovtcharka (326,
g1), Australian Shepherd (342, g1), Berger Blanc Suisse (347, g1), Perro dogo Mallorquin (249, g2), Coban
Köpegi (331, g2), Lapinporokoira (284, g5).
FCI General Committee, Brussels, 9-10 November 2011 Page 5
However, this award will not make the rewarded dog eligible for the working class and will not give the
opportunity to gain any title of champion as this was not in the request. In addition, it is decided,
following a long discussion, not to award any R-CACITr. Consequently, at the FCI International Sheepdog
Trials, the CACIT and RCACIT will be awarded to the winning dogs from breeds belonging to the working
breeds (FCI nomenclature) and the CACITr will be awarded to the winning dog from the above breeds.
Standards Commission
Those points will be discussed tomorrow taking advantage of Mrs Sporre-Willes attending the meeting.
Scientific Commission
FCI Newsletter – Proof-reading of the scientific articles
The proposal is turned down.
To declare the seminar (2-3 June 2012 in Stockholm) on the well-being of pure-bred dogs an FCI official
event and to allow the members of the two commissions (standards and scientific) to take part.
The General Committee agrees that the members of both commissions take part together with the
president of the FCI breeding commission.
However, before declaring the event an official FCI event, the General Committee wants to have some
feed-back from the organisers, the Swedish Kennel Club.
5. Minutes of the FCI Executive Committee meeting, Winterthur, Sept.2011
Different points of the minutes are commented.
· The members of the General Committee are asked to communicate to the FCI Offices what
points of the Task-Force Report they want to see on the agenda of the next meeting in April
· A Circular will be issued reminding about the financial obligations of the show organisers towards
the judges
· A proposal will be forwarded to the show and judges commissions regarding the situation of
judges invited to a show/shows for several days and who do not judge all the days of the
· The FCI Observer at world and section show will, from 2012, get a fee (same as the judges) from
the organisers.
· R.de Santiago will draft a proposal for the branding costs of the FCI logo and Cobby.
· An International Dog Day could be created. Ms Luna Durán had already made research and will
again get in touch with UNO.
· No consensus could be found on a better system to invite the judges. The General Committee
waits for the new Regulations next year.
· The joint communication forum is seen as very positive to collect all sort of information which
can be of interest for the newsletter, for the image of the FCI, etc. One meeting a year is
FCI General Committee, Brussels, 9-10 November 2011 Page 6
· The FCI stand was seen as a very beneficial step too. It will be used at the World Dog Show in
Salzburg, next May. It would be good to have a similar stand on the other two continents where
the FCI is strongly represented (Asia and the Pacific, Americas and the Caribbean). The
“practical” aspects, however, need further discussions with involvement of the sections
6. Report of the meeting between the FCI Executive Committee and representatives from the
“Setter Dog Scene”: report by Mr Stefik
S.Stefik reports. The members agree. No proposal from this group can be taken into consideration. It
has to be forwarded by the FCI British Pointers Commission.
At 5.15 pm, Mr Müller closes the first part of the meeting.
At 9.00 am, on November 10, 2011, the meeting resumes with the same people.
7. Miscellaneous and Correspondence
Letter of the SRSH, crossing breed varieties
The FCI will send an official answer to the SRSH (Belgium).
Email of Mr Wilberg, invitations to judges
It is made clear that a group judge (from a full member) invited to judge a breed outside the groups for
which he is passed is allowed to judge that breed (if he’s licensed for it of course).
Email of Mr Kliebenstein, colours in breeds
The General Committee takes note but insists that it is up to the judges to make the right decision, based
on the breed standards. In addition, for the standard of the Teckel, it is clearly written, under
eliminating faults : Colours other than those listed under “Colour”.
FCI observer for the 2012 Asian and Pacific Section Show
Upon proposal of the FCI Asian and the Pacific Section’s President, Mr Philip Jones is appointed FCI
Observer for the 2012 Section Show held in Feb.2012 in Manila (Philippines)
Letter of G.Eva, report on West African Kennel Club
The General Committee thanks G.Eva for his answer. Some more questions still need answers: what
countries are referred to in the letter? Do they have national kennel clubs? Can we have some more
details about them? The application of WAKC can, anyway, under no circumstances, be taken into
account as it goes against our Statutes.
Memorandum C.Habig + letter of CKU: Do Khiy
A general comment is raised: CKU is not yet the parent club of the breed and an official application
should first be filed. CKU as a member is now entitled to apply for “parentship” of a breed. The
approach should not be breed-specific but should include all breeds originating from the region.
The FCI will officially answer the VDH about the memorandum and turn to CKU for a meeting with the
above comments.
FCI General Committee, Brussels, 9-10 November 2011 Page 7
Letter of Z.Thorn Andrews
The FCI will inform that Mrs Thorn Andrews is allowed to judge, at FCI international shows, the breeds
for which she is licensed by the KC to award the CC in England. Regarding judging of BOG and BIS, it is up
to the organisers to decide to invite the KC judges or not taking into account their judging credentials.
Points that could not be discussed at the last meeting, Paris, July 2011
Report by the Auditor
The General Committee thanks the auditor, Mr Ahmansson, for his clear comments. M.A.Martinez will
prepare a proposal regarding the legal commission.
Letter of the Croatian Kennel Club (HKS) : CACIB shows and titles
The Committee members all agree that the FCI has no jurisdiction on CAC’s and how/where they are
distributed. It is made clear that a title of Champion gained with less than 2 CAC obtained in the country
in question are NOT VALID for the dog to be entered in champion class. The Committee members all
agree too that out of ethics, it would be better not to award the CAC of a country A in a show organised
in a country B.
Should the HKS be able to provide more material, then the Committee will be happy to assist wherever
Situation of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: report by K.Jarvinen
The point was discussed earlier the day before in the frame of the discussions related to the FCI Breeding
At that stage, Mrs Sporre-Willes is asked to join the meeting to discuss the proposals of the Standards
Commission and the matter about the recognition of the Old Continental Bulldog (in presence of P.Rub,
President of SKG)
Proposals of the FCI standards commission (following page 5)
- Illustration with anatomical features (to be published on the back cover of all standards): this is
under construction.
- Breeding advice in standards. Proposal to withdraw the heading ELIMINATING FAULTS from the Model
Standard as it is misused and to instead add the following text from the FCI Breeding Strategies to be
added under the caption of Nota Bene as an obligatory text as follows:
Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with breed typical conformation should be used for breeding.
The Model standard to be revised accordingly if proposal is approved.
Further to a very long debate no consensus can be reached. No decision is made. It will be on the agenda
of the next meeting.
FCI General Committee, Brussels, 9-10 November 2011 Page 8
- Recognition of non-accepted colour varieties as “new” breeds. The Scientific, Standards and Breeding
Commissions support the following principle : “Exclusive observance of the FCI breed standard at shows,
whether national or international “ and suggest the following recommendation: The FCI members are
asked to respect the standards of their colleagues and not to encourage cross-breeding of their breeds
or national varieties of other countries breeds to produce “new” breeds.
The discussion could not take place. It will be on the agenda of the next meeting
- Crossbreeding between varieties. The Scientific, Standards and Breeding Commissions propose the
following text to be sent to the member countries:
The FCI encourages that breed varieties be allowed to be crossed in order to increase the gene pool
and improve health; it is not beneficial for health in dog breeding to have too small populations.
This recommendation has been approved last July by the FCI General Assembly in Paris.
- German Shepherd Dog. The standard of the GSD published on the FCI website in Dec. 2010 (WUSV
format) includes contradictory sentences. It is proposed that this standard be reviewed by the Standards
Commission and adapted to the FCI Model Standard.
Y.De Clercq indicates that the SV (WUSV) were asked long ago and on different occasions to check what
the FCI Office had prepared (adjusting the standard in English to the Model Standard) but no reply had
been given and the only standard provided had been those in the WUSV format in EN and DE. The FCI
Office will send the text in English (FCI Model) to the president of the standards commission for revision,
outlining the contradictory sentences.
New Standards
Hollandse Smoushond (308): standard adopted with some minor linguistic changes.
Amended Standards
Anatolian Shepherd dog (Coban Köpegi) (331). Standard adopted with some minor changes.
Deutsch Langhaar (117). Standard adopted with some amendments.
Norwegian Lundehund (265). Standard adopted.
Yorkshire Terrier (86). Standard adopted. The picture however has to be changed.
Swedish Lapphund (135). Standard adopted.
Dogo Argentino (292). Standard adopted but the technical quality of the illustration to be revised.
P.Rub (SKG) is then let in the room to talk about the Old Continental Bulldog. A very long debate takes
place whether to recognise it as a breed or just a variety of the English Bulldog. Different arguments are
expressed but no decision can be made. The decision is postponed until the General Committee
members get full information from the FCI (standards, etc.).
The same material as the one sent to both commissions, standards and scientific, last year will be sent to
the General Committee members.
FCI General Committee, Brussels, 9-10 November 2011 Page 9
8. Any Other Business
S.Stefik expresses the idea that articles about healthy dogs should be published on the website. The
different circles connected to dogs have to know that we are aware of the problem and that we are
working on it. Y.De Clercq reminds about the decision made one day earlier about the motto “Back to
the Standards” and the working group that was created to replace the ad hoc committee. Again, it is
pointed out that the texts should mention as few breeds as possible.
S.Stefik expresses the idea of having “extended standards” containing illustrations about the good and
bad aspects in a breed. Y.De Clercq reminds about the “compendium of illustrated breed standards”
which has to be produced by R.Sporre-Willes. She keeps working on this project.
Y.De Clercq presents three versions for the extension of the FCI Office and works to be done in the
current building. All three are considered interesting; Y.De Clercq explains that due to a change of policy
from the City Hall after the purchase of the land by the FCI, the project of buidling a parking had to be
abandoned. The Board members ask for more detailed information regarding one of the projects.
G.Jipping asks about the policy in terms of use of the FCI logo by breeders, breed clubs, etc. It is stated
that an earlier decision established that the logo can be used by those people/clubs provided that they
have an FCI registered kennel name or if they are members of the national canine organisation member
of the FCI.
T.Jakkel hands over a letter of MEOE where it is indicated that the national GSD breed club, which is not
affiliated to MEOE, is using the FCI logo via its WUSV membership. Actions will be taken.
9. Next meetings
Vienna, 11-12-13 April 2012 (one day dedicated to the Task Force)
Bucarest, 8-9 October 2012 (starting 12h00 on October 8)
At 6.30 pm, H.Müller closes the meeting and thanks all the members for their contribution.
Outstanding points
- Report by Mr Stefik: check-list for world and section shows (Paris meeting)
- Report by Mr Martinez, legal commission (page 7)
H.Müller Y.De Clercq
President Executive Director