Circular 55/2012 15/10/2012
Minutes of the FCI General Committee
Vienna, 11-12-13 April, 2012
Attendees: Mr H.Müller (CH) President
Mr Santiago Vice-President
Mr S.Stefik (SK) Treasurer
Mr T.Jakkel (HU)
Mr K.Järvinen (FIN)
Mr G.Jipping (NL)
Mr J.Hindse (DK) Delegate of the European Section
Mr M.A.Martinez (RA) Delegate of the Americas and Caribbean Section
Mr T.Nagamura (J) Delegate of the Asian and Pacific Section
Mr Y.De Clercq (B) Executive Director
Mr Y.Shimazu (J) Interpreter
At 9.30 am, Mr Müller opens the meeting and welcomes all the members to Vienna. Details about the 3-
day meeting are given.
1. Minutes of the meeting in Brussels, November 2011 : approval
The minutes are approved without any comments.
Follow-up of the meeting in Brussels
M.A.Martinez will provide a document regarding the legal commission at the next meeting.
S.Stefik will provide a document regarding the check-up list at the next meeting (for members organising
the General Assembly and the World Dog Show).
2. Minutes of the commissions meetings : comments
Hounds, Selbu, September 2011
A discussion takes place about the different regulations approved/to be approved for the hunting tests
(see Circular 106/2010).
Sighthounds, Beringen, September 2011
No comment
Obedience, Copenhagen, August 2011
No comment
Retrievers, Reims, October 2011
No comment
Shows, Vilnius, Feb 2012
No comment
Show Judges, Vilnius, Feb 2012
No comment
Show Judges and Shows, Vilnius, Feb 2012
No comment
3. Report on the meeting FCI - KC, London, January and March 2012
T.Jakkel reports on the two meetings. The talks were very positive and the KC representatives open to
the FCI’s positions. The General Committee of the KC will meet next week and the different proposals
will be considered.
The FCI General Committee thanks the representatives of the FCI, H.Kliebenstein, C.Molinari and
T.Jakkel, for the progress.
4. 2011 Balance Sheets and Profit&Loss Account
Some points of the Balance Sheets and Profit&Loss Account are clarified and detailed and the documents
are approved by the FCI Board. They will be submitted to the General Assembly next year for approval.
The FCI members will be asked to put the FCI Online Catalogue online and to advertise it in their show
5. Extension of the current FCI building.
Y.De Clercq presents the whole project in detail, amended as requested by the FCI General Committee in
Brussels and following a last meeting between the architect, H.Müller and S.Stefik at the FCI office.
Many views and opinions are expressed about the relevance of a new building. Finally, the following
decisions are made :
- the FCI offices remain in Thuin (8 yes and 1 abstention)
- J.Hindse and G.Jipping will be, together with Y.De Clercq, the team in charge of supervising the works.
They will meet on a regular basis, whenever necessary.
- the "basement", originally planned and later deleted, will finally be incorporated in the project if the
amount is less than 100.000 €uros (Y.De Clercq informs the Board on the next day that the total
amount – basement and lift to reach it – would be 85.000 €).
- Besides the architect, an engineer-architect, independent, will be hired to make sure that the
contractors make their job correctly, according to the initial project.
A timetable will be established shortly. The works should start as soon as the different permits are
6. Proposals of the commissions.
Retrievers: reactions to the Board decisions, Nov 2011
· The commission suggests to stick to the old rules: for the title of CIT, 2 CACIT in 2 different
countries (or under the organisation of two NCO).
The General Committee comes to the following decision: for the title of CIT, the 2 CACIT can be
obtained in one country (more countries however acceptable), under two different judges. This
applies to all the hunting dogs commissions.
· In an International Field Trial there needs to be at least one foreign judge (from the FCI-judge list
or a British A or B judges panel).
The FCI General Committee takes note of the proposal but decides on the following: in an
international field-trial, there has to be at least 1 officiating FCI judge coming from a country
different from the organising one.
· Cooperation between the commission and the FCI Office for the approval of field-trials for
The General Committee takes note of the observation made. They in addition agree that the CACIT
cannot be awarded at field-trials if the event is on cold game.
· To allow the organisation of CACIT field-trials in other countries
The General Committee is against (within the restrictions of Circulars 79/2010 and 107/2010). It is
indicated that no contact was established with S.Stefik.
Standards: Breeding advice in the standards and recognition of non-accepted colour varieties as new
These two points are considered essential and require the presence of the presidents of both
commissions, standards and scientific. Both will be invited to take part in the October meeting in
Contradictory statements in the standard of the Sarloos Wolfhound are pointed out (character: shyness).
The matter is referred to the standards commission.
Earthdogs: sets of 6 new regulations
Following long debates, the six sets of regulations are approved.
a. How to react in case a dog shows aggressiveness after it has been judged?
Decision of the General Committee: If a dog behaves aggressively in the ring (breed-group-finals) and
its behaviour is eye-witnessed by the judge in duty, the latter has to write a report for the attention of
the organising committee and has to disqualify the dog for the rest of the competition. All the awards
and titles of the day are cancelled.
b. How to handle “group 11” at FCI shows, made up of breeds which are not recognised (neither
definitively nor provisionally) by the FCI.
Decision of the General Committee: These breeds cannot be incorporated in ANY specific group. This
has to apply to CAC shows too. A Circular will be issued and this remark will be in the new FCI Show
c. Request to issue a Circular stating as follows: the judging of docked and undocked or cropped and
uncropped dogs must be done without any discrimination and solely in accordance with the valid
breed standard.
The request cannot be met because some standards of breeds customarily docked or cropped
CANNOT include the words “docked” or “cropped”.
d. Addition in the FCI Statutes: to prohibit the organisation of CAC shows on the territory of another FCI
The General Committee adopts the following position: considering the multiplication of national CAC
and national titles awarded in other countries, it is possible to give foreign CAC on the occasion of
shows organized on the territory of another FCI member/contract partner provided that the following
requirements are met:
- The organizing member has to apply to the FCI at least 1 year in advance
- The organizing member has to provide information as to the conditions under which the CAC and the
title of national champion will be awarded
- The FCI gives its final permission.
In addition, it is reminded that according to the new FCI show regulations: The champion dogs entered at
the event must have obtained their first title of “champion” with at least 2 CAC from the same FCI NCO on
two different days.
This decision is adopted by a very large majority. It will apply to shows held from January 1st, 2013.
e. Request to consider an optional “bred by exhibitor” class for dogs older than 15 months, and if a dog
entered in such a class could compete for the CACIB.
The proposal is turned down (7 "noes" - 2 "yes").
Shows and Show Judges
Request for a new Circular to correct Circular 54/2011
“FCI international judges from federated FCI-NO, will need confirmation prior to the event by their FCINCO
to judge breed(s) and/or final competitions in the main ring abroad unless the FCI-NCO where they
have their legal residence have their judges listed in the FCI (European Section) Judges Guide”.
The proposal is turned down. However, the members of the European section that have put their judges
lists on the European Directory of Judges will be asked to indicate in it, if need be, that the approval of
the FCI NCO is required.
Request for a letter to all FCI members where they are encouraged to include their judges in the FCI
(European) judges Guide so that it may become a “FCI Judges Guide” where all FCI judges are listed.
The sections were already informed and asked to get in touch with the European section. The proposal
is however adopted. A letter will be sent to each member of the sections that have not yet adhered to
the system and did not yet add their names to the Directory (it will also be referred to in the FCI
Newsletter). Once this is the case, the Directory will be called "FCI Judges Directory".
At 5.00 pm, the meeting is interrupted and resumes on the following day, same opening time and
Before finishing the proposals of the commissions, Mrs B.Bonnet makes a very interesting presentation
about the breed-statistics she’s been collecting in Sweden for many years, in cooperation with the SKK
and their partners. She also gives information about her possible cooperation project with the FCI. A
constructive "questions-answers" session takes place and it is finally decided that B.Bonnet will take part
in the meeting of the group created in Brussels last November "Back to the Standards". Her presentation
will be added to the FCI Newsletter.
New/Amended Show Regulations
Every amended article on every page is studied and commented. After very long discussions, a final text
is approved. The new Show Regulations will be in force from January 1st, 2013.
Rescue Dogs: Judging Guidelines
The guidelines are adopted.
Sighthounds Races: Amended rulebook
The amended regulations are approved with one minor amendment on page 12. They will come into
force from July 1st, 2012.
7. Miscellaneous and Correspondence
Joint Communication Forum
The General Committee agrees with the different approaches that the JCF wants to take (bad press,
health, ....). It is made clear that the Forum has no decision-making power and it will have to report to
the General Committee.
Report by N. Schwab on the 2011 World Dog Show in Paris
The FCI General Committee does appreciate the report which will be forwarded to the SCC, the FCI
shows, the FCI show judges commissions and the organisers of the next world and section shows.
Report by D. Kuzelj on the 2011 European Section Show in Leuwaarden (Netherlands)
Same observation.
Report by A.B. Santos III on the 2011 Asia and Pacific Section Show in Seoul (Rep.of South Korea)
Same observation.
IT projects
Before concluding the second day, Y. De Clercq takes the floor to present several IT key-projects in the
frame of the modernisation of the FCI as well as two other points.
New working procedures via the website
Electronic application for kennel names (under study)
Electronic application for titles of Champions (under study)
Electronic application for shows (this module is ready – will be implemented shortly)
Viewing the NCO’s own financial account + mailing of the invoices by email exclusively (this module is
under construction).
Electronic process of the CACIB results
The CACIB lists of results are processed two or even sometimes three times for a same show (organiser
to the NCO and then NCO to FCI and then, finally, FCI back to the NCO). This includes a huge risk of
typing mistakes. It is essential, to avoid that situation which makes us waste time and energy, to
automatise the procedure.
Solution: each NCO, upon delivering a pedigree, transfers the data in a huge common (FCI and NCO) DB
(without any access to change those of a different member of course). This would be the place where
the FCI (and the NCO) can retrieve the exact information about a particular dog. The fields to be
provided (name of the dog, registration number, initials of the studbook, name of the owner, breed,
variety...) would be communicated by the FCI to the NCO.
When a show takes place, the organisers retrieve the information from the DB to make their lists of
CACIB (the dogs names are not retyped). They are retrieved from the DB, thus no mistake possible as
the data retrieved are those appearing on the pedigrees). The FCI informs the organisers (via NCO)
about what fields (name of the dog, birthdate, name of the owner, name of the judge, etc.) have to be
filled in.
Once those results are sent to the FCI via a web platform, they are validated and transferred into the FCI
system (no need to retype the names).
It is understood that this is a long-term project but it is considered a very realistic and modern approach.
The FCI General Assembly will be consulted. In the meantime, MM Meyer and Uddman will also be
consulted to develop the project.
A second project aiming at stopping sending the “paper” CACIB is explained and commented. All the
mailing would be done via email and the results would be available on the FCI website (updated weekly).
The benefits are obvious for all parties involved (NCO and FCI): saving money in ink, printers, stamps,
envelopes, saving time and energy. In addition, it is a fact that some members do not forward the CACIB
cards to the winners. The General Committee approves. The NCO and the FCI will still have the
possibility to print the CACIB (in recto only though).
These two projects will be presented in the Newsletter.
A final project consists of the possibility to charge the titles of Champion (about 8.000 issued on a yearly
basis). They would be charged 15 €. The FCI General Assembly will be consulted.
At 5.00 pm, the meeting is interrupted and resumes on the following day, same opening time and
Task Force
J. Hindse, member of the Task Force steering committee, chairs the discussions and the report is
analysed and commented page per page (total 26 pages). Several points are found to be already
implemented or under construction (mostly regarding the webpage – please refer to the IT new
projects). Other points are found interesting and expressing a modern view of the FCI. Some of them,
however, are not realistic. The General Committee considers this report interesting and some ideas
expressed will be studied further on later occasions. A report will be given at the next General Assembly.
The General Committee expresses its thanks to the Task Force for this very good report.
A letter will be sent to the VDH explaining the different cases (judges who officiated at dissident clubs in
Mexico with the approval of the SV-WUSV but without the consent of the VDH).
Circular 4/2012: cross of breed varieties: request for clarification by the VDH
The matter is discussed by the members of the Committee. The decision of the General Assembly does
not seem to be well expressed in German. However, it is reminded that the whole General Assembly
supported the proposal. The question will be referred back to both commissions, standards and
Old Continental Bulldog
As no final decision can be made, the matter is referred to both commissions, standards and scientific,
for further consideration and final recommendation.
Fake export pedigrees
The General Committee confirms its statement made in Brussels (see the minutes of the General
Committee meeting, Nov.2011)
FCI Stand
The FCI stand, as said in Brussels (Nov.2011) was regarded as very positive by the Committee and by
many exhibitors. Visibility is nowadays a key-word. The structure of the stand exists and it would make
no sense not to make use of it. It is agreed that the stand will circulate in Europe to major shows (5-6 –
which should be different from year to year) in addition to the World and European Section shows.
Besides, in a near future, the stand (or any other built by the members concerned) could also be
“present” at the section shows outside Europe with staff from the local club. Y. De Clercq and the FCI
Executive Committee will establish the list of shows in Europe.
2 CACIB’s proposed by a judge to Dobermanns (black and brown) at an international show
Following a long discussion, it is agreed not to confirm any of the CACIB (and hence the RCACIB will not
be confirmed either). Both are indeed only CACIB proposals at the present stage. The ENCI will be
informed about the mistake made by their judge.
8. Any Other Business
- Santiago insists that the FCI Logo, with all specificities, sent to all the members a couple of years
ago, be sent again with instruction to use it. It is essential that all our members operate under a
similar corporate image. To date, several members use different logos, with wrong colours.
- A dog is denied registration in the French studbook because its original pedigree was issued by a
dissident organisation. The lawyer of the owner threatens to take the FCI to court because on the
pedigree, two ancestors have been registered in the studbook of an FCI member although they are
said to have their original pedigrees issued also by a dissident club. The FCI member that registered
those two ancestors informed that the export pedigrees used to register them were issued by the KC
of Montenegro. Investigation is being carried out with Montenegro.
- Internal problems in Bulgaria: several Board members have received a letter explaining these
problems. It is decided that J. Hindse, assisted by Y. De Clercq, will investigate the case.
- Observers for future Championship shows
World Dog Show 2015, Italy : Mr Schwab
World Dog Show 2016, Russia : Mr Stefik
European Section Show 2015, Norway: the European Section proposes Mr Uddman. The Board
9. Next meetings
8-9 October 2012, Bucharest (starting 12h00 on 8th October)
27-28 Feb 2013, Madrid
After 3 meeting days, at 3.00 pm, Mr Müller thanks all the participants for their very positive input and
cooperation. He wishes all of them a safe trip back to their country.
Outstanding points.
- Report by Mr Stefik : check-list for world and section shows (page 1)
- Report by Mr Martinez, legal commission (page 1)
- Feedback from the KC (page 2)
H. Müller
Y. De Clercq
Executive Director