Pedigree Commission of UChM |
President of the Commission: |
Lavrova Liudmila |
Secretary of Commission: |
Kaplichnaya Svetlana |
Commission member: |
Shemetiuc Valentina |
Commission member: |
Patula Liudmila |
Commission member: |
Bișir Tatiana |
Qualification Commission of Experts on working qualities |
President of the Commission: |
Volinet Serghei |
Secretary of Commission: |
Podlisnic Dorian |
Commission member: |
Lavrova Liudmila |
Commission member: |
Kaplichnaya Svetlana |
Qualification Commission of Experts on the exterior |
President of the Commission: |
Volinet Serghei |
Vice President of the Commission: |
Lavrova Liudmila |
Commission member: |
Ruin Vadim |
Commission member: |
Goncearova Olga |
Commission member: |
Shemetiuc Valentina |
Exhibition Commission |
President of the Commission: |
Volinet Serghei |
Secretary of Commission: |
Lavrova Liudmila |
Commission member: |
Ceban Vlad |
Commission member: |
Shemetiuc Valentina |
Commission member: |
Patula Liudmila |
Commission member: |
Bișir Tatiana |
Commission member: |
Kaplichnaya Svetlana |
Commission on the breed standarts |
President of the Commission: |
Lavrova Liudmila |
Secretary of Commission: |
Kaplichnaya Svetlana |
Commission member: |
Rotaru Vlada |
Commission member: |
Macovei Maria |
Commission member: |
Bișir Tatiana |
Commissions on sports, experts on working qualities |
Presedint of Сommission |
Volinet Serghei |
Deputy President of the Commission: |
Podlicnic Dorian |
Secretary of Commission: |
Dobrov Evghenii |
Commission member: |
Goncharenco Nicolai |
Commission member: |
Brabecean Grigore |
Ethics and Dispute Resolution Commission |
President of the Commission: |
Lupascu Anatolie |
Secretary of Commission: |
Korsak Alexandr |
Commission member: |
Cheaburu Oleg |
Commission on International questions |
President of the Commission: |
Goncearova Olga |
Deputy President of the Commission: |
Goncearov Igor |
Secretary of Commission: |
Shemetiuc Valentina |
Commission member: |
Korsak Alexandr |
Commission member: |
Goncearova Daria |
Law Department |
President of department: |
Lupașcu Anatolie |
Commission member: |
Grigoriu Aurelia |
Commission member: |
Kvasiuc Ruslan |
Commission member: |
Cheaburu Oleg |