The Main International Dog Show
29-30 of November 2014
Chisinau, Moldexpo
"Golden Cup of Moldova 2014"
"Basarabia 2014"

Entry fee:
For foreign citizens
07-10-2014 – 15-10-2014 – 45 Euro
16-10-2014 – 16-11-2014 – 50 Euro
17-11-2014 – 23-11-2014 – 60 Euro
Class Baby, Puppy – 20 Euro
Veteran class – 20 Euro
2xCAC-Moldova - 50 Euro
For moldavian citizens
07-10-2014 –23-11-2014 – 350 Lei RM
29-11-2014 - 30-11-2014 - 450 Lei RM
Class Baby, Puppy – 250 Lei RM
Veteran class – 250 Lei RM
2xCAC-Moldova - 500 Lei RM
CACIB-FCI Judge list
CAC-MD Judge list
Hindse Jørgen /Denmark/
Nagler Magal Yolanda /Israel/
Van Den Berg Hans /The Netherlands/
Stanton Paul /Sweden/
Volinet Serghei / Moldova/
Lavrova Liudmila / Moldova/
Gutan Oxana / Moldova/
Harcenco Alexandr /Moldova/
Ciuperca Constantin / Moldova/
Bishir Tatiana / Moldova/
Vostrih Tatiana / Moldova/
Kaplicinaia Svetlana / Moldova/
Kuzmicheva Olga /Moldova/
Account detailes:
IBAN MD37VI000000002224603286
Victoriabank fil. Nr. 3
Each participant of the Dog Shows will receive a gift - 1 bottle of vintage wine from Moldova's leading wine companies and national souvenir.
All participants will be able to taste the Moldavian cuisine.
At the Dog Show will be organized tasting of more than 40 varieties of the best Moldovan wines and cognacs.

Kennel Union of Moldova oficialial parteners which participates in Dog Show Organisation:
General Partener- "MOLDEXPO"
Partener General for services and Dog Show Organisaton - SRL "Canine Expo"
Oficial Partners:
Club Royal Park Hotel
Centrul Comercial "Soiuz"
Nestle - Purina
Restoraunt "KRYSHA"
Hotel "Cosmos"
Birovits SRL
Orhei-Vin SA
Centrul Chinologic a Ministerului Afacerilor Interne