International Dog Show2 - 3 of may 2015
May 3, 2015 in the Republic of Moldova in Chisinau city, by decision of the FCI Middle East European Union Section dated 23 October 2014 will be held the Middle East European Union Cup 2015, with awarding of the title of " Middle East European Union Cup 2015 Winner" and "Middle East European Union Cup 2015 Champion".
Founders of this prestigious title are the 13 countries in central and eastern Europe (Moldova, Austria, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Montenegro, Serbia, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Czech Republic)
Official information published on the FCI site about the FCI main Shows in 2015 (World Dog Show 2015 in Milan and Eurodogshow 2015 in Oslo) and the Middle East European Union Cup 2015, May 3, in Chisinau, Moldova.
Link to the official website of the FCI

Entry fee:
For foreign citizens
CACIB-FCI – 60-00 Euro
2xCAC-Moldova – 70-00 Euro
2xCACIB-FCI + 2xCAC-MD – 140-00 Euro
Class Baby, Puppy – 20-00 Euro
Veteran class – 20-00 Euro
Romanian National Breeds Championship - 30-00 Euro
For moldavian citizens
CACIB-FCI – 400-00 Lei RM
2xCAC-Moldova – 600-00 Lei RM
2xCACIB-FCI + 2xCAC-MD – 900-00 Lei RM
Class Baby, Puppy – 250-00 Lei RM
Veteran class – 250-00 Lei RM
Preliminary list of invited judges and representatives: /can be modified/
Stefik Stefan - The President of Middle East European Union section of the FCI, FCI General Commitee Member |
Andreas Huschka - Secretary General of Austrian Kennel Club |
Cristian Stefanescu - The President of Romanian Kennel Club |
Denis Kuzelj - FCI allround judge /Bulgaria/ |
Egon Dolenc - The President of Slovenian Kennel Club |
Georgiy Onischenko - The President of Ukrainian Kennel Union |
Josef Jursa - The President of Slovakian Kennel Club |
Kamen Litov - The President of Bulgarian Cynological Federation |
Korozs Andras - The President of Hungarian Kennel Club |
Lavrova Liudmila - FCI allround judge /Moldova/ |
Lubomir Siroky - The President of Czech Kennel Union |
Miodrag Vretenicic - The MKC administrator, Secretary General of Montenegro Kennel Club |
Petru Muntean - Vice President of Romanian Kennel Club |
Refet Hadzic - BIHKC administrator, Secretary General of Bosnia and Herzegovina Kennel Club |
Volinet Serghei - The President of the Kennel Union of Moldova |
"Moldavian Open 2015"
"Middle East European Union Cup 2015"
"Spring Cup 2015"
"Codrii Moldovei 2015"
Stefik Stefan - The President of Middle East European Union section of the FCI, FCI General Commitee Member
Cristian Stefanescu - The President of Romanian Kennel Club
Denis Kuzelj - FCI allround judge /Bulgaria/
Georgiy Onischenko - The President of Ukrainian Kennel Union
Kamen Litov - The President of Bulgarian Cynological Federation
Lavrova Liudmila - FCI allround judge /Moldova/
Miodrag Vretenicic - The MKC administrator, Secretary General of Montenegro Kennel Club
Petru Muntean - Vice President of Romanian Kennel Club
Refet Hadzic - BIHKC administrator, Secretary General of Bosnia and Herzegovina Kennel Club
Volinet Serghei - The President of the Kennel Union of Moldova
IBAN MD33VI000022240300000026
Victoriabank fil. Nr. 3
International Exhibition Centre "Moldexpo"

Each participant of the Dog Shows will receive a gift - 1 bottle of vintage wine from Moldova's leading wine companies and national souvenir.
All participants will have opportunity to taste the Moldavian cuisine.
At the Dog Show will be organized tasting of more than 40 varieties of the best Moldovan wines and cognacs.
7 reasons to visit Moldova
1. It is easy to reach!Moldova is situated in the south-eastern part of Europe and is the cross-point of Ukraine and Romania. Moldova can be reached from any point of Europe and countries of the former Soviet Union because through Moldova are passed the international roads.

2. Moldova is one of the cheapest European countries for tourists. Inexpensive air tickets, visa-free regime with EU, reasonable prices for nutrition and habitation. For example, price for 24 hours in three stars hotel in the center of Chisinau (free secured parking, rooms with conditioner, balcony and free Wi-Fi) makes up 25 euro (additional payment for dog – just 5 euro!), meal – just 4-5 euro.

3. Hospitable and sociable peopleAt the territory of the country live the Moldovans as native population, as well as other ethnic groups – Bulgarians, Russians, Ukrainians, Gagauz. Whatever the people of Moldova are various, the main its quality is hospitability and sociability. The inhabitants of the country speak Russian, Romanian and English languages. The foreigners consider the citizens of Moldova as sincere, welcoming and hospitable people.

4. Reach and various national cuisineThe Moldovan national cuisine may be included in the list of the country value, because long ago it became popular in all countries of the world. But exclusively in Moldova you may taste the dishes prepared according to centuries-old traditions. The Moldovan hostess will prepare the hominy, stuffed cabbage rolls and placinta best of all.

5. Wine in Moldova is more than simply wine.The Moldovan wines are popular in the entire world, for example, wine “Negru de Purcari” has the local name “Wine of English Queen” because the queen Elisabeth II regularly ordered it.

6. We have the places worth seeing! The cave-monasteries of Moldova is one the oldest architectural monuments of XIII-XIV centuries. Some of them kept the traces of religion existing till the Christianity.
The cave Emil Racovita – the length of underground galleries of the cave is more than 89000 meters, and consists of some levels. In area it occupies the 3rd place among the plaster caves and the 8th among the biggest caves in the world. It includes approximately 20 underground lakes.
The wine cellar “Milestii Mici” in year 2007 was included in the Guinness Book of World Records as the biggest wine cellar in the world.
Orheiul Vechi is the historical-archeological complex situated at Reut river. In Orheiul Vechi were founded the traces of different civilizations. Here was situated the Geto-Dacian fortress (VI-I centuries B.C.), ancient settlement of the Golden Horde Shehr al-Jedid or Yangi-Shehr (the second half of XIV century), orthodox monasteries (XIV century) and Moldovan Orhei city (XV – XVII centuries).
The largest street in Europe is Muncesti street. Its length is 11 and half kilometers!

7. Magnificent holidaysThe whole flavor of Moldovan culture may be seen at the Wine Day, which Moldovans celebrate especially luxuriantly and joyfully. At the holiday are organized th exhibitions, festivals and different contests. The holiday will give the bright emotions and good mood to everyone, as well as will acquaint you with the true welcoming sunny Moldova.

14 reasons to visit our Dog Shows
1. Kennel Union of Moldova invites only well-known experts

2. The place of holding – super modern International Exhibition Center “MOLDEXPO” (free secured parking, modern spacious exhibition halls with automatic control system of microclimate (20-23 C)

3. Good lighting of the hall

4. Good flooring – new CARPET

5. Suitable placement for cages
6. Suitable places for grooming

7. Press-center and conference hall

8. Modern computer information center
9. Level of organization of the Dog Shows corresponds to European and world standards
10. Skilled and sympathetic ring teams
11. Individual approach and attention to each exhibitor
12. Refreshments and tasting of the best Moldovan wines, cognacs and Moldovan cuisine dishes.
13. Excellent vintage wine as a gift and national souvenir for each participant

14. Rich prize fund